Data Assets

Use our Data Assets to enable Data Science & Bioinformatics teams

siRNA Database

  • Most comprehensive siRNA database for Research, Diagnostics & Therapy Development

  • Data is compiled from multiple siRNA data sources

  • Data is curated and processed through our machine learning platform

  • Integrate your in-house data into the siRNA database using API calls

  • Evidence score to each siRNA entry

Synthetic Lethality

  • Data is compiled from multiple siRNA databases

  • Custom report for each Synthetic Leathality pair

  • Summary report or Comprehensive report for each SL pair

  • Data is compiled from multiple SL data sources

  • Comprehensive visulizations using R packages

Oncology Outcomes

  • Most comprehensive Outcomes database for Biomarker Research, Diagnostics & Therapy Development.

  • Build Companion Diagnostics for staging & clinical trials.

  • Supports Clinical Trial Matching & Therapy selection.

  • IQVIA, CVS, Insurance claims data and many other sources have been used.

  • Streamline your clinical trial process for successful outcome.

Dependancy Map DEPMAP

  • We support On-Prem instance for DEPMAP.

  • Integration between cBioPortal & DEPMAP.

  • Seamless upgrade to latest DEPMAP releases.

  • Discover genetic and pharmacological dependencies.

  • Prioritize tumor contexts and predictive biomarkers.


  • We integrate your in-house data into cBioPortal

  • Add new visualization plots & metrics

  • Customize your Dashboard

  • Exploratory analysis tool for exploring large-scale cancer genomic data sets.

  • Supports the hosts data from large consortium efforts, like TCGA and TARGET.

  • Supports data as well as publications from individual labs.

CKB Jackson Labs

  • Interpret complex cancer genomic profiles.

  • Reports protein impact, therapies, and clinical trials.

  • Annotate your in-house clinical data & experimental data.

  • Build your data mining assets on the CKB clinical knowledgebase.

  • Identify a class of targeted therapies for your cancer.

Baseline Annotation

  • Power your data science and bioinformatics teams for faster innovation.

  • Consume curated and clean data with confidence.

  • Baseline annotation contains multi-omics target information.

  • Annotate and curate your experimental and clinical data.

  • Minimize data transformation and manipulation by your team to reduce errors.


  • Comprehensive and curated precision oncology knowledge base.

  • Automate your annotation process using API calls.

  • On the fly pipeline for annotation of experimental data.

  • Machine Learning platform to fill out associated and interpreted information.

  • Evidence-based information on somatic muts and SV present in patient tumors.


  • Most comprehensive Cell database for Biomarker Research, Diagnostics & Therapy Development.

  • Automated ML Processed & Manually curated database for data completeness

  • Curated and annotated cell types in multiple species with PPI networks.

  • Cell type annotation of scRNA-seq and spatial RNA-seq datasets.

  • Supports both single-cell and bulk RNA-seq experimental annotation.

PPI Networks (Protein-Protein Interaction)

  • Catalogs experimentally determined protein-protein interactions

  • Catalogs predicted protein-protein interactions with confidence & evidence scores

  • Explore the PPI network in relation to your Target & Lesion

Druggability Database

  • Catalogs experimentally determined Drug Gene Interactions

  • Catalogs predicted Drug Gene Interactions

  • Explore the Drug Gene Interaction DGI network in relation to your Target & Lesion

Protein Pocket Miner Database

  • Catalogs experimentally determined Protein pockets

  • Catalogs predicted Protein pockets

  • Explore the Drug Protein Pocket Interaction DPI network in relation to your Target & Lesion